Conferences and Events

主持或考虑主持会议或活动的?  You’ve found the right place for 援助.  一系列会议必需品和服务可通过 Center.  我们的专业人员精通并专注于活动的业务, 无论是研讨会、静修、露营、会议还是大会.  We would be delighted to serve as your partner in success.

活动策划是相当令人生畏的,但是,我们会安排一个免费咨询 与您(如果需要的话,还有您的选民)会面,亲自审查您的要求; 提供指导,建议,并提供所提供服务的详细描述 通过中心.  在咨询概要后,将准备一份定制提案 our recommendations and the associated costs.  Services may be packaged together to 提供包罗万象的“一站式服务”选项,强烈推荐,或者,他们可能是 selected on an ala carte basis.  以下所有服务都包含在全包费用中 option.

会议事务(概述如下)需要在不同阶段进行评价和采取行动 会议前、会议中、会议后.  现在,“坚果” & bolts," so to speak... 


在这一阶段的策划中,我们将讨论您活动的各个方面,以确定您的活动 编程需要. 我们将涉及的一些主题包括:目的是什么 你的活动,谁将参加,预算是什么,它将如何资助,和 how will success be measured? Then we will move into a through needs assessment; space 需求-会议,宴会,展览,住宿,注册,理想的位置和 any additional arrangements.


This is the creative phase of planning. For programs choosing to utilize the Center’s 全方位的服务,我们将进入活动设计. This process progresses from 确定空间需要定义空间中会发生什么以及应该如何发生 看. Do you have or do you need speakers or presenters? Is audio-visual equipment 需要? How will your exhibit space be configured? 是 there any special needs, like a theme party, or requests for food & 饮料? Will transportation be 需要? 是 there any additional details that need attention? Proposals for hosting events will be requested and reviewed with clients. Center staff will confirm selections; negotiate prices, and process contracts.

在整个会议或活动中,有一个清晰的认识是非常必要的 正确执行所有规范所需的人员或人员 that were previously identified. Will University and 社区 VIP’s be attending? How will registration be handled? Is there a need for volunteers or chaperones? 是 there special needs that require attention?



确定预算是计划中最重要的方面之一. When engaging Center 员工们,我们将根据您的要求与您一起制定经济合理的计划 建议和协商校内和校外的住宿、餐饮和其他服务的价格. 请放心,中心工作人员在所有大学的政策和指导方针下工作 建立活动基金,处理付款和支出,以及提供 access to revenue tracking reports.


营销需求可能因事件而异. Just as we work to define needs 并实施空间和餐饮计划,营销应周到,及时,和 taken into consideration from day one. Beginning with how will attendees be invited, 以及如何沟通活动细节,以打印最终的议程或计划. Of course there are many stops along the way. 市场营销 activities typically fall 分为几大类:材料-会议标志,宣传册,议程,标牌, directional materials; digital – web presence, electronic event communication; merchandise – conference bags, promotional items; and public relations – talking points, press releases, media events, photograph opportunities. Center staff adheres to the University’s 市场营销和品牌诚信准则的最佳实践.


会议和活动,在其最基本的层面上,是十大玩彩信誉平台人和听众的 我们所服务.  What you can expect from Center staff:  

  • 合作,每一项活动都被视为一种伙伴关系,我们只有成功,如果你 是成功的
  • 尊重、道德和对社会负责的指导
  • 认识到每个事件都是唯一的,并且处理得当
  • a willingness to “go that extra mile”